Arlington YP

Young People in Arlington Texas

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November 21, 2020 - Fellowship Time with Parents and Saints (ZOOM)

Supporting Our Families and Young People Amid the Challenge of the Present Situation

Session 1 - 10:00 AM

Session 2 - 7:30 PM

Note: Saints may submit their questions by Saturday, November 14, by completing the submission form found at

In recent months, there has been much feeling about the Lord’s imminent return and the need for His recovery to be ready by raising a generation that would be consecrated to be living in their mingled spirits unto the reality of the Body to give the Lord the way to end this age. At the same time, the current environment to many is a source of anxiety regarding the political landscape, social unrest, financial uncertainty, along with the pandemic and its limitations on social interaction. These things are part of the “all things” in Romans 8:28, but they can also be used by the enemy as a detriment to our experience of Christ and the Lord’s interest. In some cases, it may affect our mental health or that of our young people. For this reason, we have invited brothers Rick Scatterday (physician) and Alex Tan (clinical psychologist) to speak to us a word of encouragement and affirmation from the perspective of God’s economy regarding what our response and attitude should be towards the current environment affecting many of the saints, including our young people.

On Saturday, November 21, there will be two fellowship sessions. The morning session will be from 10:00AM to approximately 11:30AM and geared towards parents, relatives and serving ones of our young people. The evening session, from 7:30PM to approximately 9:00PM, is open to all adult saints and focused on their needs and responses to the current environment. Both sessions will include a time of fellowship with the brothers, as well as a time for responses to pre-submitted questions. Saints may submit their questions by Saturday, November 14, by completing the submission form found at The number of questions specifically addressed during each session will depend on the volume of submissions and the time available.

May the Shepherd of our souls (1 Pet. 2:25), the One who cares for the welfare of our inner being, richly bless this time of fellowship.

West Texas Young Peoples' Conferences 2020

Recordings will be posted on website (Link)

South Central US Young Peoples' Conferences

Link to Page with Recordings

Summer 2020